Recently Emi and I after a fun trip through the Magnuson Dog Park with the puggles, joined in on the annual plant sale at the Magnuson Naval Base. If you haven't been and enjoy that sort of thing, we highly recommend it. The growers are friendly and can help answer any questions you might have.
The plant sale takes up an entire warehouse and has all sorts of vegetation to help you start or add to your existing garden. Since we aren't really gardeners, it seems we're always "starting" one, even though we've done this the past few years.
Keeping positive thoughts in mind, we bought some more tomato plants, with the hopes that this summer would be warm and fruitful, unlike last year's cold and gray tomato hating weather. We bought a few plants last year and of those few plants, we grew a few measly tomatoes.
We love heirloom tomatoes, so even if we can't grow them, I hope someone else can because a summer without a fresh caprese salad, is a wasted one.
The puggles and Emi causing a ruckus.
Last year we bought all of our herbs here as well, but they added up, so this year we bought the plants from a grocery store. Cheaper and they taste just as good. Hate to admit it, but Wal-Mart also sells them really cheap (the one by Tulalip). If you have the room and little bit of time to water them, I highly recommend growing them instead of buying them each time. Whenever you're in a pinch for mint, thyme, rosemary, it's always easier to have a plant you can cut a few sprigs off of rather than driving down the street to pay for the one time use of some.
I think summer's almost here? Isn't in June?
- Kyle
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